Who We Are
Night Eyes is a volunteer group dedicated to pursuing clean waterways by patrols of the foreshores and waterways including canal developments. We are, in the main, mature-age men and women continuing to contribute to our local community's well-being as well as keeping themselves busy and active.
We are Centrelink accredited for those who need to fulfill their volunteering obligations.
What We Do
We operate in two ways. The first uses volunteer crews on our pontoon boat out on the water collecting rubbish disposed of inappropriately.
The boat operates five days a week (weather permitting) and covers an area from the navigable headwaters of Coochin and Bell's creeks to the shores of Bulcock Beach in Caloundra.
The second is a shore-based patrolling the accessible shorelines and local streets.
The main activity of both groups is collecting general litter and rubbish and properly disposing of it.
Where these teams come across rubbish that is beyound our capability to deal with, the appropriate authorities are advised. With the amount of time spent on the waterways and surrounding foreshores very little escapes our eyes and issues seen concerning the local fauna and flora are passed on to those best equipped to deal with it.
Night Eyes is a member of Water and Land Care Qld, SEQ Catchments, Sunshine Coast Environment Council, and Volunteering Qld and is supported by businesses and the public in general. The group works with all local community groups for the betterment of the community at large and combined with other groups is the driving force behind Clean Up Australia Day and Tidy Towns.